
All University students are members of both a particular school or college and the overall community of the University. The authority for adjudication of student academic and behavioral misconduct matters is delegated in two ways:

  • 第一个, the Dean of the particular school or college and his or her staff has full authority regarding all academic and academic-related disciplinary matters and penalties with respect thereto. This is subject only to the provisions of the Handbook relating to appeals of such matters after the Dean has imposed a serious penalty (i.e.(开除学籍、休学或退学).
  • 第二个, the Vice Provost for Student Life has authority regarding behavioral disciplinary matters where it is anticipated that a student infraction may result in behavioral reprimand or behavioral probation, 撤军, 停学和/或开除, 除非涉及骚扰或歧视指控, 是由《皇冠体育博彩》处理的, 歧视, 性行为和不当关系政策#2.1.25. For more information regarding academic and behavioral disciplinary procedures and appeal processes of these matters, 请参阅学术纪律处分程序, 以及《皇冠体育》中的行为纪律处分程序部分, 分别.

Any student who is documented for an alleged violation of the 行为准则 must participate in the 社区 Standards 行为不端流程 to determine an appropriate outcome. 这个过程在皇冠体育博彩大学学生手册中有详细的概述. 这个过程的简化版本可以在这里找到.


Where there is evidence that a student is in violation of a University 社区 Standard (except when there is evidence that a student is in violation of the Harassment, 歧视, 性行为和不当关系政策#2.1.25), the student will be given the opportunity to discuss the matter with 社区标准和学生行为 before the case is either decided with a private decision or referred to a 社区标准委员会, 标准事务委员会, 或大学学生纪律委员会. A student will receive written notification of the alleged violation(s) and a date by which the Preliminary Conference must be held. 如果学生没有安排或参加他们的预备会议, 在学生缺席的情况下,将作出行政决定.


私人决定权: The student may have his/her case decided by an appropriate administrator (including but not limited to the Associate or Assistant Vice Provost for Student Life, 高级主管, Assistant Director of 社区标准和学生行为 or Resident Director) when there is mutual consent between the student and the assigned behavioral hearing officer. 这类判决没有上诉的余地.

在双方无法达成一致决定的情况下, the student will have his/her case referred and decided by the appropriate hearing board. The behavioral hearing officer reserves the right to refer a student’s case to either the 大学学生纪律委员会 or a Standards Panel.

  • 大学学生纪律委员会 typically hears cases where a student’s status with the University is in jeopardy and could result in suspension or expulsion from the University.
  • 标准板 typically hear cases where a student’s status could result in Behavioral Probation, 行为谴责和其他结果.
  • 兄弟会和姐妹会标准委员会 may be granted authority to adjudicate specific types of cases involving 联谊会 and 女生联谊会的生活 organizations. The board may hear certain disciplinary cases involving 联谊会 and 女生联谊会的生活 organizations at the request of the 顾问(s) and with the approval of the 高级主管 of the 社区标准和学生行为 in lieu of a Private Decision. 
  • 社区标准委员会 provides appropriate outcomes in matters involving behavioral disciplinary matters where it is anticipated that a student/student organization infraction may result in a warning or behavioral reprimand.

Please refer to the 学生手册 for more information about each of the above entities.


学生有权得到指导老师的帮助, 来自大学内部, both in the preliminary conference and at the hearing of the 大学学生纪律委员会 or 标准事务委员会. 找一位指导老师是学生的责任. 学生的指导老师可能不是律师, except that an attorney employed by the 皇冠体育博彩大学 Law School may act as the advisor for a law student. 另外, 因为可能会有利益冲突, the Vice Provost for Student Life or his/her designee must approve any Student Life staff (including Resident 顾问s) serving as an advisor to a student prior to the Student Life staff member’s involvement in the misconduct process.


If it is anticipated that a student infraction may result in behavioral probation, 撤军, 停学和/或开除, the student’s parent(s) may be notified if the student is a dependent of his/her parent (as defined by the federal government for income tax purposes). A student’s parent(s) may also be notified if it has been determined that a student under the age of 21 has committed a violation of the University policy on drugs and/or alcohol.


待解决的问题和任何允许的上诉有关的问题, the student’s status as a student remains unaltered except in cases where there are reasons relating to the physical or emotional welfare of the student or of others, 或者涉及人身、财产安全的原因.


有合理理由相信学生违反了当地法律, state or federal criminal laws — and especially where violations of laws relating to unlawful possession, use or distribution of illicit drugs or alcohol occurred on University property or in the course of any University activities — the matter may be referred to authorities for prosecution.