

皇冠体育博彩大学 strives to be a community that is dedicated to the pursuit of truth in all its forms and to the betterment of society. 作为一所大学, Creighton is committed to its role as an academic institution in which the widest possible freedom of expression and openness to diverse ideas should be responsibly presented and examined. 正是由于这些承诺,我们才拥抱思想和言论自由. Essential elements in the Ignatian tradition emphasize active dialogue and the innate dignity of each member of our community.

“当代学生行动主义给大学校园带来了挑战和机遇. 激发学生行动主义的问题各不相同,组织者针对的是移民禁令, 性侵犯, 学费上涨, 歧视, 化石燃料投资, 巴以冲突, 还有很多其他的问题. 抗议活动可大可小,全球性或地方性,面对面或在线,单个或多个问题.” (哈里森 & 马瑟,2017)

激进主义被定义为“强调直接有力的学说或实践” 行动 尤指支持或反对有争议问题的一方.” (《皇冠体育》2020皇冠体育博彩的使命和价值观让我们成为男人和女人,为了他人,和他人在一起, 成为变革的推动者, 为社会的改善而努力. 有时,皇冠体育博彩社区可能会围绕广泛的社会问题而活跃起来. 行动主义可以采取多种形式,包括校园示威, 参与电话银行, 给立法委员写信, 或者其他与社区团结一致的行为.

更新于2020年2月 言论自由和积极对话政策 provides guidance in reconciling possible or perceived conflicts between Creighton’s commitments as a Jesuit, 天主教机构及其作为大学在事件发生时的承诺, 举办活动和演示, 赞助, 或由任何皇冠体育博彩大学实体资助, 同时确保大学的有序运作和安全的学习环境.

A brief overview of the procedure as it related to students and student clubs/organizations is outlined below. 完整的政策和程序可在此找到 在这里.

的 following steps must be completed when it is likely that a promoted event will be designated a controversial event:

  • In the case a promoted event requires review by the Vice Provost for Student Life or the Vice Provost’s designee, the student club/organization should give advanced notice to staff in the Student 领导 and Involvement Center.  (It is preferred 30 or more days in advance to allow an informed judgement as to whether or not to designate the promoted event a controversial event and allow sufficient time to build an event support plan.)
  • 学生社团/组织必须使用 事件建议模板 并包括所有相关和要求的信息. 这包括但不限于演讲者或表演者的背景信息, 活动形式, 活动计划, 执行细节, 以及预期的观众.
  • 的 Vice Provost for Student Life or the Vice Provost’s designee will review all submitted information and determine whether to designate a promoted event as a controversial event.
  • 的 Vice Provost for Student Life or the Vice Provost’s designee determines whether to designate a promoted event as a controversial event for student clubs/organizations.
    • If designated a controversial event the Vice Provost for Student Life or the Vice Provost’s designee will determine if the controversial event is approved and under what circumstances (including but not limited to the 活动形式) the controversial event may proceed.
      • 的 organizer or their designee will include in their opening/introductory remarks the 言论自由和积极对话政策’s purpose, 以及没有隐含的背书声明在他们的全部. 的 organizer may be required to include the no connoted endorsement statement in advertisements for the event.
      • Once a controversial event proposal has been approved the by the Vice Provost for Student Life or the Vice Provost’s designee, any alterations to the promoted event’s proposal must be submitted for review and approval prior to the event.
    • If the Vice Provost for Student Life or the Vice Provost’s designee does not allow an event to proceed or otherwise limits how the event may proceed, 赛事组织者可向主席或主席指定人员提出上诉. 主席或主席指定人的决定为最终决定.


  • 的 University also acknowledges the rights of members to express their views by way of individual or collective activity. 为了提供一般信息, 援助, 和礼貌, 还有良好的秩序, the University requires that those contemplating demonstrations and similar activity make their intentions known in advance to the Vice Provost for Student Life or the Vice Provost’s designee for approval. 可以提交托管演示的请求 在这里. It is important to engage with the Division of Student Life’s Assistant Director for Programming and Student 组织, 所以这个演示是注册和支持的.


  • 承认大学的政策要求提前30天通知, 大学也认识到示威的自发性质. 为了最好地支持您和您的规划团队, 我们建议您至少提前两个工作日提交演示请求.


  • 我们天主教和耶稣会的使命要求我们反思和辨别我们被召唤采取行动的地方. 这是一个持续的循环,可以让活动组织者专注于计划工作. 反映, 眼光敏锐的, 代理, 在考虑演示是否适合你的团队时,汇报都是很重要的部分.


  • 在计划演示时考虑安全是很重要的. 的 Vice Provost for Student Life or the Vice Provost’s designee will assist students in crafting a safety plan for the demonstration. 然而, it’s also important that students consider rights and responsibilities established for those participating in the demonstration.
  • 学生手册
    • 学生手册 在页面上提供了关于小组活动/演示的额外指导 75. It is important to note that all policies and procedures outlined in the 学生手册 would also be applicable and enforced during the demonstration. 学生在策划示威活动时应了解相关政策.
  • 皇冠体育博彩的COVID-19社区标准 就像他们在其他时候做的那样.


“皇冠体育博彩大学 strives to be a community that is dedicated to the pursuit of truth in all its forms and to the betterment of society. 正是由于这些承诺,我们才拥抱思想和言论自由. Essential elements in the Ignatian tradition offer emphases on encouragement of active dialogue and on the innate dignity of each member of our community. 

是天主教, 皇冠体育博彩致力于认同特定的宗教传统及其所有基本价值观, 同样作为大学, 皇冠体育博彩大学 is committed to its role as an academic institution in which the widest possible freedom of expression and openness to diverse ideas should be responsibly presented and examined, including critical examination of ideas and perspectives which may be or may appear to be incompatible with its Catholic tradition and mission.  

While the University respects the right of individual students and student organizations to express their ideas, it is understood that such expressions or views remain those of the individuals or organizations and are not to be construed as necessarily reflecting University opinion or as an endorsement by the University.” 


“作为一所以依纳爵传统为基础的大学, 我们相信并尊重每个人与生俱来的尊严. 因此,我们希望我们的与会者尊重演讲者,我们的演讲者尊重与会者.  今天的活动由[插入俱乐部/机构名称], 我们为对话确立了下列基本规则: 

  • 恭敬地倾听,不要打断 
  • 当别人说话时,不要大喊大叫或跺脚 
  • 在对听众或演讲者讲话时,不要使用辱骂、亵渎或种族歧视的语言 
  • 不要害怕通过问问题来互相挑战, 但要避免人身攻击——专注于自己的想法 


  • 如果需要的话,我们想讨论一下“疏散计划” 
  • [插入有关疏散计划的信息] 
  • 本次活动的主办方保留在任何时间以任何理由驱逐任何人的权利.” 


  • 活动前 
    • 在活动开始前举行简报会 
      • 从介绍,到演讲,再到提问,让我们来回顾一下这次活动&一个等.  
      • 在活动开始前与演讲者和主持人建立时间限制或规则: 
        • 每人多少问题? 
        • 提问或回答有时间限制吗? 
    • 留出适当的时间 
      • 确定你的小组想要分配多少时间  
      • 需要考虑的事情,这些事情可能会影响时间的长短: 
        • 演讲者不止一个吗? 
        • 有一个小组吗?? 
    • 确定主持人 
      • 应该是俱乐部/组织的学生干部吗  
      • 帮助听众与回答问题的人建立联系 
        • 他们监控问题、时间,以及讨论是否违反了既定的基本规则  
        • 如果是这样,他们需要结束讨论 
        • 确保有合适的工具和设备 
    • 确定问题的提问方式 
      • 你需要一个麦克风吗? 
      • 问题是匿名的吗? 你需要纸、笔和收集问题的方法吗? 
  • 活动期间 
    • 坚持时间限制 
      • 遵守之前设定的时间限制 
      • 如果还有问题, 考虑寻找另一种方法来回答这些问题——与演讲者进行1:1的讨论, 网络/电子邮件, 等 
    • 考虑准备一些问题 
      • Think ahead of time to some questions that the moderator or another member from the hosting group/organization to begin the Q&部分 
    • 缓和讨论 
      • 确保演讲者和与会者遵守既定的基本规则 
      • 避免陷入辩论,但要允许演讲者提问和讨论 
      • 如果讨论正在升级, 考虑停止谈话,留出时间稍后继续谈话