

The 家庭和社区医学系 at 皇冠体育博彩大学 医学院 prepares future family physicians to serve as patient advocates while delivering personalized care inspired by Jesuit values. 作为家庭医生, 我们的职责是提供基于证据的护理, 及时并注重预防和治疗. We train some of the best and brightest doctors who stand ready to serve their patients.

We’re proud to be one of the first departments to move to the new University Campus of 气的健康 皇冠体育博彩大学 Medical Center on 24th and Cuming streets (shown above). The new facility positions us to offer an experience at the forefront of interprofessional care. 


  • CHI Creighton Health-Samson Way, Bellevue
  • 皇冠体育博彩大学医学中心-大学校园
  • CHI Creighton Health-Benson
  • CHI Creighton Health-Midlands


家庭医学住院医师项目 给住院医生的技能和专业知识,在任何实践设置成功. 通过与不同的患者群体合作, 令人兴奋的研究机会和与经验丰富的临床医生的指导, 你将接受诊断和治疗各种疾病的培训.

家庭医学的独特之处? 毕竟, 心脏病专家照顾心脏, 肺科医生负责肺部,外科医生负责手术.


很简单,家庭医生专注于“大局”.“而不是专注于单一器官系统或单一疾病, 家庭医生把病人作为个体来照顾. Studies have shown that family physicians personally manage 90% of all healthcare problems patients bring to a doctor’s office. The other 10% of conditions, family physicians treat in concert with other medical specialists.

家庭医生也可以被称为私人医生. 除了解决医疗问题, 私人医生充当病人的辩护律师, assuring that individual patient needs are met in a sometimes fragmented and confusing healthcare environment. 家庭 physicians ensure that consultations will be obtained in a timely fashion, 病人的担忧得到了解决.

家庭医生接受过提供全面护理的培训, 注重预防和治疗. 因为医疗费用飞涨, 家庭医生提供循证和及时的护理, 确保病人的护理不仅是高质量的, 而且成本效益高. 

家庭医生在很大程度上是社会的一部分. 家庭 physicians understand that concerns for a patient’s health and well-being do not end when the patient leaves the office. 而, 家庭医生考虑病人的家庭, 提供护理时的工作和社会环境.

目前, much is being written in the medical and lay literature about the concept of a medical home. This principle states that if each patient had a single source of coordinated care, 医疗保健结果可以大大改善. This new proposal of a medical home is based upon the same principles that have always constituted the bedrock for family medicine. 提供以社区为基础的, 全面的, cost-effective care that focuses on both treatment and prevention have been principles that have always defined family medicine. 最近, family physicians have also been called upon to provide leadership within their individual communities, 特别是在公共卫生领域, 安全和备灾. 

在20世纪初,大多数医生都是家庭医生. 随着医学变得更加专业化, the number of medical graduates entering the field of family medicine diminished. 

现在, 一百年后, family medicine is once again attracting some of the best and brightest new physicians. These young doctors are dedicated to providing the sort of personalized care that is the hallmark of family medicine. It is indeed gratifying to see the impact that these young men and women are having on the delivery of healthcare in our nation and our communities. They stand ready to serve their patients with the sort of personalized care that all of us deserve.

自殖民时期以来,在美国.S., 医学被分为三个不同的群体:医生, 外科医生和药剂师. 医生被视为精英,通常拥有大学学位. 相比之下,外科医生通常都是在医院接受培训的学徒. This distinction between medicine and surgery did not survive in colonial America. Physicians in America were expected to also perform surgery and prepare medicines. 这是美国普通内科医生的开端.S.

The emergence of specialization within American medicine did not take root until the middle of the 19th century. As the base of knowledge within medicine continued to grow and many doctors chose to do more of what they were interested in and good at, 专业化变得不可避免. The role of the general physician remained an essential part of healthcare in the U.S.然而,. 到20世纪初, 许多州要求候选人获得行医执照, 包括全科医生, to have a one-year internship in a hospital setting in addition to possessing a medical degree.

在第二次世界大战结束后, 专科和专科的数量以惊人的速度增加, 而全科医生的数量急剧下降. 然而, the public became increasingly vocal about the fragmentation of their care and the shortage of personal physicians who could provide initial, 持续和全面护理. The concept of the generalist was reborn with the establishment of family practice as medicine’s twentieth specialty in February 1969. 而不是局限于一年的研究生培训, 后来延长到三年.

    In 1970, 皇冠体育博彩大学 医学院 established the 家庭 Practice Division of the Department of Preventive Medicine, 以博士为首. 迈克尔·J. 哈勒博士. In August of that same year, an approved program began for training residents in family medicine. 一家家庭诊所在奥马哈南13街3374号开业, staffed by residents and which served not only to help alleviate the shortage of primary care physicians, 同时也为家庭医疗这一新专业的发展奠定了基础.

    1971年6月,一项“试点计划”开始了,克雷顿在圣. 约瑟夫医院. Dr. 迈克尔•哈勒, MD, established a program of airplane flight instruction for interns and residents in order to make practice in a rural community more attractive. He believed that faster mobility to larger cities would increase the desirability of rural community medicine and may help alleviate the rural physician shortage in Nebraska and other Midwestern states. 皇冠体育博彩是全国唯一一所拥有这样一个项目的医学院.

    In 1973, the Division of 家庭 Practice went on to become a department in its own right.

    20世纪70年代, the 家庭 Practice Department expanded its operations to include “model units” at three locations that simulated the structure and functioning of a private family practice office for the training of its residents.

    In 1973 the 医学院 was one of only five medical centers nationwide to receive a $10,000 Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) planning grant from the Association of American Medical 大学. This grant was to help determine how HMOs could relate to academic medical centers. Dr. 迈克尔•哈勒 of the 家庭 Practice Department was instrumental in helping to determine the feasibility of HMOs at Creighton.

    12月. 1977年11月11日,新圣. 约瑟夫医院, 现在被称为CHI健康皇冠体育博彩大学医学中心, 正式向公众开放,前圣. 10号街的约瑟夫医院和玛莎医院关门了.


      • 1973-1977:迈克·哈勒,医学博士
      • 1977年:弗雷德·佩蒂,医学博士
      • 1978-1981:迈克·哈勒,医学博士
      • 1984-1989:尤金·巴隆,医学博士
      • 1989-1995:迈克·哈勒,医学博士
      • 1995-2011: Donald Frey,医学博士
      • 2011-2016: Laeth Nasir, MBBS
      • 2016年至今:艾米·麦格哈,医学博士


      • 1970-1978:迈克·哈勒,医学博士
      • 1978-1985: Fred Pettid, MD
      • 1985-1991:理查德·赫德,医学博士
      • 1991-1993: John Kuncaititis,医学博士
      • 1993-1997: Donald Frey,医学博士
      • 1997-1999: Jim Hougas, MD
      • 1999-2001: Donald Frey,医学博士
      • 2001-2004:贾德森·琼斯,医学博士
      • 2004-2010:托马斯·汉森,医学博士
      • 2010-2016: Amy McGaha,医学博士
      • 2016至今:迈克尔·格林,医学博士