

你已经获得皇冠体育博彩大学的优秀奖学金了吗?  用这些奖学金在国外学习一个学期或一年, 看看国外的皇冠体育博彩项目. Be sure to meet with the 金融援助 Office for guidance on the scholarships and awards you already receive.  For additional funding opportunities, scroll down to view national and institutional awards.

GEO /弱势学生奖学金

2025年春季奖学金的申请现已开放. 完成奖学金申请的截止日期为9月9日. 2024年11月22日晚上11点59分


  • 对本科生开放 students who plan to participate in a Creighton-approved, 暑期可获得学分的海外学习项目, 学期, 或者学年
  • 学生必须申请他们的第一个大学留学项目
  • Preference is given to students who are underrepresented in 出国留学 and to those who are part of Creighton's Student Support Services (SSS) program




  • 对本科生开放, 研究生, 或已被接受参加以下任何一项的专业学生:
    • ILAC暑期健康计划
    • ILAC水质计划
  • Students applying to the 学期 Encuentro Dominicano program should apply instead for the Global Engagement Scholarship 
  • 项目期限必须为2025年夏季 
  • 申请将于2025年11月1日开放
  • 报名截止时间为2025年3月1日晚上11:59
  • 应用在这里



This scholarship is offered through Creighton Global Initiative and the 全球参与办公室 (GEO).

度过一段激动人心的时光, 负担得起的, and transformative 学期 abroad at one of Creighton's outstanding Jesuit partner institutions on the Indian subcontinent. 我们希望支持你实现这一目标.

省钱. 探索世界. 分享你的故事.  体验不同. 搭建桥梁. 在印度留学.



Nationally competitive scholarships can also be used to fund your travel abroad. These awards include opportunities for language learning, research, and teaching abroad.

FEA offers a variety of scholarships for students who 出国留学 for at least 4 weeks or longer (in the same country) on programs that are known for academic rigor and immersion elements. 查看FEA网站的奖项和资格标准.

本杰明一. 吉尔曼国际奖学金项目
This scholarships enables students who have limited financial means to participate in 出国留学 opportunities worldwide. 该计划为美国学生提供高达5000美元的奖励.S. under研究生 students to pursue 学期 or academic-year long 出国留学 opportunities in other countries. 要符合资格, 学生必须获得联邦佩尔助学金 at the time of application and cannot be studying abroad in a country currently under a U.S. 国务院旅游警告或前往古巴.

电子邮件 夏洛特Pfingsten 在全球参与办公室(GEO)或 Dr. 贝琪Elliot-Meisel 为奖学金申请提供建议.

NSEP Boren奖学金
旨在为您提供.S. under研究生 students with the resources and encouragement they need to acquire expertise in languages, 文化, 以及一些不太常在美国授课的国家.S. NSEP 奖学金 can be applied for study in all countries except: Western Europe, 加拿大, 澳大利亚, 和新西兰.

Project GO is a collaborative initiative through the Department of Defense that promotes critical language education, 出国留学, 以及为后备军官训练队学生提供跨文化对话的机会. Project GO programs focus exclusively on the languages and countries of the Middle East, 亚洲, 中亚, 和非洲.

去法国和德国学习. 奖励标准包括对在法国或德国学习的真正兴趣, 良好的学术背景, 经济需求. Only 学期/full-year applicants for ISEP exchanges in France or Germany qualify.

日语教师协会(ATI)管理美国学生的奖学金.S. 留日留学生. Under研究生 students majoring in any field of study are eligible to apply for these scholarships; Japanese language background is not a requirement. 根据项目的长短,奖金从2500美元到4000美元不等. 欲了解更多信息,请访问皇冠体育博彩的桥接奖学金页面.

BUTEX awards a number of scholarships to students studying abroad for either a 学期 or for a whole academic year in the United Kingdom.  The value of each scholarship is £500 and will be paid to the winners once they have arrived and registered at their host university.

The German Academic Service offers under研究生 scholarships for 出国留学, 大学语言或暑期课程, 毕业论文研究, 或在德国实习. 研究生也可以获得助学金, 博士候选人和教师, 大学里的学者和科学家.

The German Academic Service offers several other scholarships and grant opportunities for short-term or degree-seeking international students at German institutions. 看看 德意志的网站 了解更多信息.

This need-based scholarship provides generous funding to offset the costs associated with studying abroad in many 亚洲n countries.  Students must have already been accepted into a 出国留学 program and carry a minimum GPA of 2.8. Applicants must be receiving need-based financial aid or demonstrate a "verifiable need" for financial assistance needed to facilitate studying abroad.  该奖学金可用于在东亚或东南亚留学.

该奖学金旨在支持BIPOC (Black, 土著, 和有色人种)学生到爱尔兰留学. With a commitment to providing academically rigorous and culturally immersive 出国留学 experiences for students from all backgrounds and identities, and a strong belief that diversity among visiting students only serves to enrich Irish society and campuses, the program is excited to welcome the inaugural cohort of scholars in Fall 2021.  Applicants must be BIPOC under研究生 students currently enrolled at a college or university in the US who have a minimum GPA of 3.0.


奖学金 are available to students studying abroad at specific ISEP institutions. 请查看ISEP奖学金网页了解更多信息, and keep in mind that CU students may use both institutional and federal financial aid for spending a 学期 或者学年 at through the ISEP Exchange program. 

资源 for several scholarships supporting students choosing to study in Switzerland.

NSF supports international research and education through a variety of programs, 包括奖学金, 差旅补助, 夏天研究院, 研讨会, 以及研究和教育项目.

The SSRC sponsors more than forty interdisciplinary programs focused on specific areas of research, 关于建设新油田, 以及研究人员的教育和培训. Council programs also support the development of institutional bases for social science around the world, 并努力加强研究人员之间的合作与交流.


To search a wide variety of other scholarship opportunities, visit: StudyAbroad.com和/或GoAbroad.com网站.


If you are traveling on a program through a summer, 学期, or full-year program through an 外部,第三方项目,看看学校提供的奖学金. A program that seems too expensive could offer scholarships to help offset that price, 或者像免费机票这样的奖励.