服务 & 正义之旅

Started in 1983 with a group of seven students, the 服务 & 正义之旅 program at Creighton now sends 300 participants each year to serve and learn from community partners across the country. You can learn more about all the details of the program below!

Spring Break 服务 and 正义之旅 to the U.S.墨西哥边境

A group of Bluejays had a powerful experience on a spring break service and justice trip to the U.S.墨西哥边境. One of those students, Cecelia Fuller, said the trip provided a new lens for her worldview. The group was able to visit a community garden, attend hearings in federal court, serve at a shelter for immigrants, experience the local farmers' market and assist at a community kitchen. Cecelia says, “The Schlegel Center for 服务 and Justice (SCSJ) provides me with different avenues to serve others and further advocate for those in need.”