为什么皇冠体育博彩 University 法学院

For the doors your legal education will open.

Creighton University 法学院 offers you a purposeful education - one established on academic excellence, social justice and personal growth. One that will lead you to find your place in the world, and help you discover what is uniquely yours to do. We do that through:

我们的教授: Creighton’s law professors don’t run and hide. 他们现在. They’re here for you — to counsel you, to challenge you and to help you see how truly far you can go. They don’t have office hours, but have an open-door policy, which means you’re welcome to stop by and ask questions, test theories or just chat. 任何时候. Some will even give you their cellphone numbers. Or meet you for coffee. Or a round of golf. 你们懂的.

我们的社区: If you’re looking for a law school where you can slip in and out of class without anyone noticing, don’t choose Creighton. Here, we’re more like a small town than a big city. Your classmates, your professors—they’ll know you. They’ll know your spouse, your kids, your hopes and dreams. They’ll care about how you’re doing and where you’re going.

Our mentoring program: You’ll meet them at orientation. The 2L students who will serve as your mentors for the upcoming school year. They’ve been where you’re going. They’ve taken the courses you’ll be taking. They’ve had the professors you’ll be having. They’ll give you insights. They’ll listen, and they’ll help.

我们的小班: Individual attention. At Creighton 法学院, it happens. Because you’re not one of several hundred law students crammed into a cavernous lecture hall. Our student-faculty ratio is 9.5-to-1, so your education is engaging, interactive and personal.

Creighton Law: Be Part of a Big, Collaborative 家庭

Creighton Law Classroom

“At Creighton, we are encouraged to speak our minds and be curious. I believe having a classroom environment that supports judgment-free discussions promotes effective learning, which is an active process.”

Dominique Westhoff, JD’22

Fidelity National Financial, Associate Claims Counsel

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