Daniel G. Gridley, MD

Assistant Dean, Clinical Research and Public Health

Associate Professor

Daniel Gridley, MD


School of Medicine
Radiology-Diagnostic Residency
Arizona Health
Clinical Research
SOM Leadership
Research - Medicine

Daniel G. Gridley, MD

Assistant Dean, Clinical Research and Public Health

Associate Professor


Radiology (Phoenix)


Associate Professor


  • Spinal Cord Series and Cases
    Kennamer B. T., Blunt traumatic posterior cord syndrome
    8:1 2022
  • Surgical Neurology International
    Foster M. A., Brown-Sequard syndrome associated with hangman fracture after blunt trauma: A case report
    13 2022
  • World Neurosurgery
    Charcos I. B., Location of Traumatic Cranial Epidural Hematoma Correlates with the Source of Hemorrhage: A 12-Year Surgical Review
    152 2021
  • Neurographics
    Larsen B. R., Encephalotrigeminal angiomatosis: A review with emphasis on head and neck manifestations
    11:3 2021
  • World Neurosurgery
    Kennamer B. T., Natural History of a Patient with Sacral Chordoma: Case Report and Literature Review
    139 2020
  • Current Problems in Diagnostic Radiology
    Davis John, Risk Factors for Late Screening Mammography
    48:1, p. 40 - 44 2019
  • American Journal of Roentgenology
    Arleo Elizabeth Kagan, Comparison of Utilization of the Family and Medical Leave Act in Radiology Practices Between 2015 and 2016
    211:2, p. 239 - 243 2018
  • Journal of pediatric surgery
    Kopelman T. R., Computed tomographic imaging in the pediatric patient with a seatbelt sign: still not good enough
    53:2 2018
  • Surgical Neurology International
    Wong TinaW, Epidural venous plexus engorgement due to inferior vena cava thrombosis resulting in cauda equina syndrome: Case report and literature review
    9:1, p. 129 - 129 2018
  • Applied Radiology
    Penny Scott, Congenital adrenal hyperplasia secondary to 3-beta hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase deficiency, p. 46 - 47 2017
  • Journal of Clinical Oncology
    Scull C., Adult onset primary pineal rhabdomyosarcoma
    34:15 2016
  • Journal of Neurosurgery: Pediatrics
    Ellis M. B., Phosphaturic mesenchymal tumor of the brain without tumor-induced osteomalacia in an 8-year-old girl: Case report
    17:5 2016
  • Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery
    Kopelman T. R., Computed tomographic imaging interpretation improves fetal outcomes after maternal trauma
    81:6 2016
  • Journal of the International Association of Providers of AIDS Care
    Isfahani F., Plasmoblastic lymphoma as cause of perianal fistula: A case report and literature review
    14:1 2015