D. Roselyn Cerutis学士,博士



SOD - 牙科学院 - 439 E

D. Roselyn Cerutis学士,博士


A. 个人陈述
My transition from neuroscientist to oral biologist has been a circuitous but very rewarding journey. Upon joining Creighton’s Dental School, I sought to mesh my background with the research interests and needs of the clinical departments, particularly Periodontics and Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. 通过与两个系的系主任和教员的合作我们启动了溶血磷脂酸(LPA)的人类口腔成纤维细胞的初步研究, 一种脂质介质,我在内布拉斯加大学医学中心研究肺部系统时使用过, 药学系. At that time, LPA and its actions had never been described in the dental literature. 基于初步研究, I hypothesized that it might be a candidate factor for periodontal regeneration. Over the twenty years that I have been teaching/research faculty in the Dental School, 我曾担任P.I. of the seminal studies that have established the essential role of LPA in human oral fibroblast biology, and we have accumulated a large body of knowledge and expertise in wound-healing and inflammation, particularly in the oral system. For our studies- both NIH- and foundation-supported- we have involved dental and undergraduate students, and collaborated with clinicians and researchers at Creighton, 我们的牙科学校, and at the University of Nebraska Medical Center. 我们发现LPA显著和广泛地调节人类口腔成纤维细胞的炎症转录,并且很可能是人类牙周病的关键调节介质,这为研究LPA物种和LPA受体亚型在牙周病发病机制中的作用开辟了道路. 为此目的, 我们将进一步进行体外研究,建议使用已建立的炎症性牙周病小鼠模型来确定LPA在炎症性牙周病中的作用.

1988-1989: Post-doctoral Fellowship, 部门 of Microbiology Training Grant, DHHS 1t32 a107276 - 02, University of Missouri-Columbia
1991 - 1993:接收方, Individual NRSA Training Grant, Cerutis/DHHS/NIH/NIMH MH10060-02, 药学系, University of Nebraska Medical Center

2002年:被提名为博士. Ted Urban Award for Excellence in Pre-Clinical Education by the Dental Class of 2002 2005: Invited speaker, first NIH/NIDCR-Industry Meeting: Pathway to Product Development, Nov 7-8, Bethesda, MD.
2008: Invited reviewer, SBIR/STTR proposals ZRG1 MOSS-E (11) B meeting, April 24
2012: Invited reviewer, R15 (AREA) proposals 2012/10 ZRG1 MOSS-T (91) S meeting, June 12 C.

D. 对科学的贡献
1. Human Oral Fibroblast Physiology: Since 1999, 我曾与牙周病和口腔颌面外科的牙科临床教师进行合作研究. 我们由健康未来基金会资助的基础研究表明,溶血磷脂酸(LPA)控制人类口腔成纤维细胞的愈合反应. We found that LPA was a major regulatory factor for these cells, and published these seminal LPA papers in the dental literature; they are now being referenced and used by other investigators to widen the investigation on the role of LPA in oral cell biology and periodontal disease.
a. Cerutis博士, Dreyer A, Cordini F, McVaney TP, 马特森JS, 帕里什LC, Romito L, Huebner GR, Jabro M. 溶血磷脂酸调节人牙龈成纤维细胞的再生反应,增强血小板源性生长因子的作用. J Periodontol. 2004年2月,75 (2):297 - 305.PMID: 15068119.
b. Cerutis博士, 德雷尔交流, Vierra乔丹, King JP, 瓦格纳DJ, Fimple杰, Cordini F, McVaney TP, 帕里什LC, Wilwerding TM, 马特森JS. 溶血磷脂酸调节人牙周韧带成纤维细胞的愈合反应,增强血小板源性生长因子的作用. J Periodontol. 2007年6月,78 (6):1136 - 45.PMID: 17539729.

2. LPA受体亚型对口腔成纤维细胞生理学的调节:然后,我使用上述论文中的数据向NIH/NIDCR提交了一份R15申请,该申请在第一轮获得资助. LPA作为一种关键的调控分子参与了许多体内平衡和病理生理过程,直到最近才开始被其他领域的更大的科学界所认识. 下面的研究确定了主要的人类唾液LPA物种在差异调节人类口腔成纤维细胞生理中的关键作用:
a. George J, Headen KV, Ogunleye AO, Perry GA, Wilwerding TM, 帕里什LC, McVaney TP, 马特森JS, Cerutis博士. 溶血磷脂酸通过特定的溶血磷脂酸受体亚型信号来控制人牙龈和牙周韧带成纤维细胞的关键再生反应. J Periodontol. 2009年8月,80(8):1338 - 47岁. PMID: 19656035.
With a small grant from Becton-Dickinson, we used flow cytometry to profile LPA receptor subtype expression on oral fibroblasts from multiple donors, and showed that they express the first five (LPA1-5) of the six LPARs cloned to date. 如此多LPAR亚型的表达支持了我们的观点,即LPA在口腔成纤维细胞生物学中起着重要作用.
a. Cerutis博士, Headen KV, Perry G, 帕里什LC, McVaney TP, Jordan CS. 人牙龈和牙周韧带成纤维细胞的溶血磷脂酸(LPA)受体亚型受PDGF调控. FASEB J. 2010年4月24日:769.11. DOI: 10.1096/fj.1530-6860 3.

3. Analytical Saliva Studies: To investigate the association of LPA with periodontal disease, we developed a sensitive LC-MS/MS method to analyze LPA species in saliva and gingival crevicular fluid (GCF). We found the LPA species unchanged in ratios, 而是10倍的, pharmacologically significant elevation in moderate-severe periodontal disease. 该方法仍然是迄今为止发表的用于唾液和GCF中LPA物种的LC-MS/MS分析的最敏感的方法之一.
a. Bathena SP, Huang J, Nunn ME, 宫本茂T, 帕里什LC, Lang MS, McVaney TP, Toews ML, Cerutis博士, Alnouti Y.LC-MS/MS法定量测定人唾液和龈沟液中溶血磷脂酸(LPAs). [J]生物医学肛门. 2011年9月10日;56(2):402-7. PMID: 21703797

4. Gene regulation by LPA: As LPA controlled such critical aspects of oral fibroblast biology, we did a pilot microarray study with LPA-stimulated GF. 基于这些数据, 我们假设暴露于LPA会调节GF表达的各种类别的关键基因,这些基因协调伤口愈合和炎症反应. Then, using GF from multiple donors, we showed extensive gene expression changes correlated with LPA treatment. 我们报道的显著改变的基因和衍生的生物网络表明,参与协调口腔成纤维细胞对LPA的炎症型反应的基因的主要调控.
a. Cerutis博士, 韦斯顿博士, Ogunleye AO, McVaney TP, MiyamotoT. Lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) 18:1 transcriptional regulation of primary human gingival fibroblasts. 基因组学数据 December 2014 2:375-377. doi:10.1016/j.gdata.2014.10.014
b. Cerutis博士, 韦斯顿博士, Alnouti Y, Bathena SP, Nunn ME, Ogunleye AO, McVaney TP, Headen KV, 宫本茂T. A Major Human Oral Lysophosphatidic Acid Species, LPA 18:1, Regulates Novel Genes in Human Gingival Fibroblasts. J Periodontol. 2015年5月,86(5):713 - 25所示. PMID: 25660500

5. Future Studies: LPA is a highly conserved molecule with profound regulatory actions in health and disease. 除了我的实验室, LPA在口腔内稳态和牙周病中的作用相对较少受到关注. One of the two major sources of LPA is activated platelets, 由于组织破坏和中重度牙周病的出血特征,在发炎的牙周组织中总是存在哪些. 我们的研究结果表明,LPA可能调节口腔成纤维细胞的炎症反应,以及它们与牙周组织中中性粒细胞/淋巴细胞趋化和免疫事件的相互作用. 最终, LPA may participate in regulating inflammation in periodontal disease, where the balance of destruction of gingival tissue, 牙周韧带, and alveolar bone in response to periodontal pathogens determines disease status and progression. 综上所述, LPA merits further investigation of its regulatory role in the oral system; we continue these investigations.

For Complete List of Published Scientific Research Work see  MyBibliography: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/myncbi/1bALDgsXdjUkp/bibliography/47934055/public/?=日期排序&方向=提升.

1. Cerutis博士, Headen KV, Ogunleye AO, Williams DE. 用高分辨率免疫组织化学方法研究人牙根整支牙周韧带受体表达. International Journal of Experimental Dental Science  2016; 5(2):99-103. http://www.ijeds.com/Ahead_of_Print.aspx   
2. A Major Human Oral Lysophosphatidic Acid Species, LPA 18:1, Regulates Novel Genes in Human Gingival Fibroblasts. Cerutis博士, 韦斯顿博士, Alnouti Y, Bathena SP, Nunn ME, Ogunleye AO, McVaney TP, Headen KV, 宫本茂T. J Periodontol. 2015年5月,86(5):713 - 25所示. doi: 10.1902/jop.2015.140592. Epub 2015 2月9日. PMID: 25660500
3. Lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) 18:1 transcriptional regulation of primary human gingival fibroblasts.Cerutis博士, 韦斯顿博士, Ogunleye AO, McVaney TP, 宫本茂T. 基因组数据. 2014年10月23日;2:375-7. doi: 10.1016/j.gdata.2014.10.014. 2014年12月. PMID:26484133 Free PMC Article
4. Maresin-1 reduces the pro-inflammatory response of bronchial epithelial cells to organic dust.Nordgren TM, Heires AJ, Wyatt TA, Poole JA, LeVan TD, Cerutis博士, Romberger DJ. 和物. 2013年5月10日14:51. doi: 10.1186/1465-9921-14-51.PMID:23663457Free PMC Article
5.LC-MS/MS法定量测定人唾液和龈沟液中溶血磷脂酸(LPAs).Bathena SP, Huang J, Nunn ME, 宫本茂T, 帕里什LC, Lang MS, McVaney TP, Toews ML, Cerutis博士, Alnouti Y. [J]生物医学肛门. 2011年9月10日;56(2):402-7. doi: 10.1016/j.jpba.2011.05.041. Epub 2011年6月6日.PMID: 2170379 Free PMC Article
6.Non-bioabsorbable vs. bioabsorbable membrane: assessment of their clinical efficacy in guided tissue regeneration technique. 系统回顾. 帕里什LC, 宫本茂T, Fong N, 马特森JS, Cerutis博士. 口腔科学杂志. 2009年9月,51 (3):383 - 400. Review.PMID:19776505免费文章
7.溶血磷脂酸通过特定的溶血磷脂酸受体亚型信号来控制人牙龈和牙周韧带成纤维细胞的关键再生反应. George J, Headen KV, Ogunleye AO, Perry GA, Wilwerding TM, 帕里什LC, McVaney TP, 马特森JS, Cerutis博士. J Periodontol. 2009年8月,80(8):1338 - 47岁. doi: 10.1902/jop.2009.080624. PMID: 19656035
8. Sphingosine 1-phosphate potentiates human lung fibroblast chemotaxis through the S1P2 receptor.桥本米, Wang X, Mao L, 小林T, 川崎年代, Mori N, Toews ML, Kim HJ, Cerutis博士, Liu X, 雷纳德SI. J呼吸细胞分子生物学. 2008年9月,39 (3):356 - 63. doi: 10.1165 / rcmb.2006-0427OC. Epub 2008年3月26日.PMID:18367729Free PMC Article
9.溶血磷脂酸调节人牙周韧带成纤维细胞的愈合反应,增强血小板源性生长因子的作用. Cerutis博士, 德雷尔交流, Vierra乔丹, King JP, 瓦格纳DJ, Fimple杰, Cordini F, McVaney TP, 帕里什LC, Wilwerding TM, 马特森JS. J Periodontol. 2007年6月,78 (6):1136 - 45.PMID: 17539729
10.溶血磷脂酸调节人牙龈成纤维细胞的再生反应,增强血小板源性生长因子的作用.Cerutis博士, Dreyer A, Cordini F, McVaney TP, 马特森JS, 帕里什LC, Romito L, Huebner GR, Jabro M.J Periodontol. 2004年2月,75 (2):297 - 305. 勘误:J牙周病. 2004年10月,75 (10):1437 - 8.PMID: 15068119
11.Complications associated with diabetes mellitus after guided tissue regeneration--a case report revisited.马特森JS, Cerutis博士, 帕里什LC.补充继续教育Dent. 2002 Dec;23(12):1135-8, 1140, 1142 passim; quiz 1146.PMID: 12592715
12.Osteoporosis: a review and its dental implications.马特森JS, Cerutis博士, 帕里什LC. 补充继续教育Dent. 2002 Nov;23(11):1001-4, 1006, 1008 passim; quiz 1014. Review.PMID: 12526189
13.Diabetes mellitus: a review of the literature and dental implications.马特森JS, Cerutis博士.补充继续教育Dent. 2001 Sep;22(9):757-60, 762, 764 passim; quiz 773. Review. PMID: 11692399
14.Lysophosphatidic acid and EGF stimulate mitogenesis in human airway smooth muscle cells.Cerutis博士, Nogami M, Anderson JL, Churchill JD, Romberger DJ, 雷纳德SI, Toews ML.我是物理学家. [j] .中国科学院学报(自然科学版);2004.PMID: 9252534
15.Neurotrophins and their receptors in nerve injury and repair.Ebadi M, 巴希尔RM, 海瑞克毫升, 石漠调频, Refaey他, Hamed A, Helal G, Baxi MD, Cerutis博士, Lassi NK.Neurochem Int. 1997 Apr-May; 30 (4 - 5): 347 - 74. Review.PMID: 9106250
16.缓冲液不同程度地改变[3H]RX821002与α -2肾上腺素能受体亚型的结合.Deupree JD, Hinton KA, Cerutis博士, Bylund DB. [J]药物与实验. 1996年9月,278(3):1215 - 27所示.PMID: 8819505
17.Regulation of hamster alpha 1B-adrenoceptors expressed in Chinese hamster ovary cells. Zhu SJ, Cerutis博士, Anderson JL, Toews ML.欧洲医药. 1996年3月28日;299(1-3):205-12. PMID: 8901024
18.6-Hydroxydopamine-mediated induction of rat brain metallothionein I mRNA. Rojas P, Cerutis博士, Happe HK, Murrin LC, Hao R, Pfeiffer RF, Ebadi M.神经毒理学. 1996年夏季,17 (2):323 - 34.PMID: 8856728 19.Expression and regulation of brain metallothionein.Ebadi M, Iversen PL, Hao R, Cerutis博士, Rojas P, Happe HK, Murrin LC, Pfeiffer RF.Neurochem Int. 1995年7月,27(1):22页. Review. PMID: 7655341
20.Distribution of zinc metallothionein I mRNA in rat brain using in situ hybridization. Hao R, Cerutis博士, Blaxall HS, Rodriguez-Sierra JF, Pfeiffer RF, Ebadi M. Neurochem Res. 1994年6月,19 (6):761 - 7.PMID: 8065534
21.Cloning and expression of the alpha 2C-adrenergic receptor from the OK cell line. Blaxall HS, Cerutis博士, Hass NA, Iversen LJ, Bylund DB.摩尔杂志. 1994年2月,45 (2):176 - 81.PMID: 7509437

F. 其他出版物:
1. 奥克斯利KS,杰克逊JB, D.R. Cerutis. Reference Module in Biomedical Sciences, 2015: Acne (Vulgaris and Rosacea) http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-801238-3.04820-0.
2. Johnson M, Cerutis博士. Reference Module in Biomedical Sciences, 2015: Osteoporosis. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-801238-3.05196-5
3. Al-Hashimi I, Cerutis博士. Reference Module in Biomedical Sciences, 2014: Sjögren's Syndrome. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-801238-3.05302-2
4. Cerutis博士. Reference Module in Biomedical Sciences, 2014: Measles. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-801238-3.05135-7
5. Cerutis博士. Reference Module in Biomedical Sciences, 2014: German Measles (Rubella) http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-801238-3.05037-6
6. Cerutis博士. Reference Module in Biomedical Sciences, 2014: Systemic Lupus Erythematosus. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-801238-3.05336-8

PUBLISHED ABSTRACTS (only shown:since 2010)

1.Cerutis博士, 韦斯顿博士, Nunn ME, Williams DE, Ogunleye AO, 宫本茂T. Lysophosphatidic Acid Regulates the Vitamin D Receptor and its Metabolism-Related Genes in Human Gingival Fibroblasts. FASEB J 32, April 2018:lb562.
2. Cerutis博士, Nichols MG, Khan SA*, 宫本茂T. Localization of the Platelet-Activating Factor Receptor on the Intact Human Periodontal Ligament. 中国生物医学工程学报,2017,31 (1):1 - 4
3. Cerutis博士, Fischer NG*, Gnabasik R*, Lang MS, Baruth A. The Role of Nanoscale Roughness on Cell Attachment Following Titanium-based Instrumentation of Titanium, Titanium-Zirconium, 和氧化锆表面
4. Cerutis博士, Nichols M, Hironaka M*, 宫本茂T, Khan S*, Ogunleye A, McVaney TP. 与无标记的二次谐波共聚焦显微镜检测胶原蛋白相补充的人牙龈溶血磷脂酸受体共聚焦检测. FASEB J 2015年4月29:LB26
5. Cerutis博士, Nichols M, Jenzer A*, Khan S*, McVaney TP, 宫本茂T, Kaldahl W. 二次谐波共聚焦显微镜对再生人牙周韧带和牙龈组织的无标记成像. FASEB . 2014 . 28:LB41
6. Cerutis博士, 韦斯顿博士, Nunn ME, Ogunleye AO, McVaney TP, Headen KV, 宫本茂T. Lysophosphatidic acid regulates SPHK1 and GPR68/OGR1 in human gingival fibroblasts. 中国生物医学工程学报,2013年4月27日:569
7. Cerutis博士, 韦斯顿博士, Ogunleye A, McVaney TP, Headen KV, 帕里什LC. Lysophosphatidic acid regulates a complex array of genes in human gingival fibroblasts. 2011年4月. 财经学报,2011,25:539.1
8. Cerutis博士, Headen KV, Perry G, 帕里什LC, McVaney TP, Curtis SJ*. 人牙龈和牙周韧带成纤维细胞的溶血磷脂酸(LPA)受体亚型受PDGF调控. 2010年4月. The FASEB Journal 24(1): Supplement 769.11




The biology of G protein-coupled lipid mediators (lysophosphatidic acid, sphingosine-1-phosphate) in periodontal disease; Type 2 diabetes; imaging of unlabeled extracellular matrix structural proteins; dental implant survival; dental implant and abutment materials; science-based health policy






  • J Periodontol
    Cerutis博士, 韦斯顿博士, Alnouti Y, Bathena SP, Nunn ME, Ogunleye AO, McVaney TP, Headen KV, 宫本茂T. A Major Human Oral Lysophosphatidic Acid Species, LPA 18:1, Regulates Novel Genes in Human Gingival Fibroblasts.
    86:5, p. 713-25 2015
  • 基因组学数据
    Cerutis博士, 韦斯顿博士, Ogunleye AO, McVaney TP, 宫本茂T. Lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) 18:1 transcriptional regulation of primary human gingival fibroblasts.
    10月23日2时,p. 375-7 2014
  • 呼吸生理
    Nordgren TM, Heires AJ, Wyatt TA, Poole JA, LeVan TD, Cerutis博士, Romberger DJ. Maresin-1 reduces the pro-inflammatory response of bronchial epithelial cells to organic dust. doi: 10.1186/1465-9921-14-51.
    14, p. 51-57 2013
  • Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis
    Bathena,年代. P.黄,J.纳恩,M. E.宫本,T.帕里什,L. C.Lang, M. S.麦克瓦尼,T. P.图斯,M. L.Cerutis, D. R., Alnouti, Y. LC-MS/MS法定量测定人唾液和龈沟液中溶血磷脂酸(LPAs)
    41, p. 177-183 2011
  • 口腔科学杂志
    帕里什,我. C.宫本,T., Fong, N.马特森,J. S.Cerutis, D. R. Non-bioabsorbable vs. bioabsorbable membrane: assessment of their clinical efficacy in guided tissue regeneration technique. 系统回顾
    51, p. 383-400 2009
  • J Periodontol
    George, J.海登,K. V.奥格里耶,A. O.佩里G. A.威尔维尔丁,T. M.帕里什,L. C.麦克瓦尼,T. P.马特森,J. S.Cerutis, D. R. 溶血磷脂酸通过特定的溶血磷脂酸受体亚型信号来控制人牙龈和牙周韧带成纤维细胞的关键再生反应
    80, p. 1338-1347 2009
  • American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology
    桥本,M.王,X. Q., Mao, L. J.小林,T.,川崎,S.莫里,N.图斯,M. L., Kim, H. J.Cerutis, D. R., Liu, X. D.雷纳德,S. I. Sphingosine 1-phosphate potentiates human lung fibroblast chemotaxis through the S1P(2) receptor
    39, p. 356-363 2008
  • J Periodontol
    Cerutis博士, 德雷尔交流, Vierra乔丹, King JP, 瓦格纳DJ, Fimple杰, Cordini F, McVaney TP, 帕里什LC, Wilwerding TM, 马特森JS. 溶血磷脂酸调节人牙周韧带成纤维细胞的愈合反应,增强血小板源性生长因子的作用.PMID: 17539729
    78:6, p. 1136-45 2007
  • J Periodontol
    Cerutis博士, Dreyer A, Cordini F, McVaney TP, 马特森JS, 帕里什LC, Romito L, Huebner GR, Jabro M. 溶血磷脂酸调节人牙龈成纤维细胞的再生反应,增强血小板源性生长因子的作用. PMID: 15068119
    75:2, p. 297-305 2004
  • 马特森JS, Cerutis博士, 帕里什LC. Complications associated with diabetes mellitus after guided tissue regeneration--a case report revisited. 补充继续教育Dent. 2002 Dec;23(12):, 1140, 1142 passim; quiz 1146.PMID: 12592715
    23:12, p. 1135-8 2002
  • 马特森JS, Cerutis博士, 帕里什LC.Osteoporosis: a review and its dental implications.补充继续教育Dent. 2002 Nov;23(11):1001-4, 1006, 1008 passim; quiz 1014. Review.PMID: 12526189
    23:11, p. 1001-1014 2002
  • Am. 杂志.
    Cerutis博士, Nogami M, Anderson JL, Churchill JD, Romberger DJ, 雷纳德SI, Toews ML. Lysophosphatidic acid and EGF stimulate mitogenesis in human airway smooth muscle cells.PMID: 9252534
    273:1, p. L10-5 1997


  • 马特森JS, Cerutis博士.Diabetes mellitus: a review of the literature and dental implications.补充继续教育Dent. 2001 Sep;22(9):757-60, 762, 764 passim; quiz 773. Review. PMID: 11692399
    22:9, p. 757-73 2001
  • Ebadi M, 巴希尔RM, 海瑞克毫升, 石漠调频, Refaey他, Hamed A, Helal G, Baxi MD, Cerutis博士, Lassi NK. Neurotrophins and their receptors in nerve injury and repair. Neurochem Int. 1997 Apr-May; 30 (4 - 5): 347 - 74. Review.PMID: 9106250
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  • Biomedical Sciences seminar: Lysophosphatidic acid in periodontal disease: friend or foe? 2018