劳拉 C. 巴里特,BS, DDS



L Barritt


口腔生物学 (Master of Science)
SOD - 牙科学院 - 439 D

劳拉 C. 巴里特,BS, DDS








  • AACA亨德森公司
    普茨,III威廉J.劳拉·C. 巴里特,杰森. 库姆,索尼娅M. 桑切斯,Shikha 芭芭拉·J·塔朗. O 'Kane. TREM-1 and TREM-2 protein expression in human gingival tissue. 2015
  • Clinical Advances in Periodontics
    朗,M. 巴里特,L.C. Bony Exostosis Following Treatment of Gingival Recession with Subepithelial Connective Tissue Graft and Enamel Matrix Derivative.
    26, p. 1-17 2015
  • 美国媒体
    Barritt L. (2014). Otitis related disorders. In: Caplan M. ed. Reference Modules in Biomedical 科学.
    doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-801238-3.05198-9, p. 1-23 2014
  • 爱思唯尔
    Barritt L. (2014). Review of orthostatic hypotension. In: Caplan M. ed. Reference Modules in Biomedical 科学. 牛津:学术出版社.
    doi: 10.1016/B978-0-12-801238-3.05193-X., p. 1-8 2014
  • 爱思唯尔
    Barritt L. (2014). 晕动病. In: Caplan M. ed. Reference Modules in Biomedical 科学. 牛津:学术出版社.
    doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-801238-3.05153-9, p. 1-5 2014
  • 爱思唯尔
    Barritt L. (2014). 梅尼埃病(又名内耳眩晕病). In: Caplan M. ed. Reference Module in Biomedical 科学. 牛津:学术出版社
    4 doi: 10.1016/B978-0-12-801238-3.05139-4, p. 1-6 2014
  • 临床解剖学
    Jergenson, M. A.诺顿,n.n. S.奥派克,J. M.巴里特,L. C. Unique origin of the inferior alveolar artery
    18, p. 597-601 2005


  • University Research Day/St. 阿尔贝二世亲王的
    William J . Puetz, III.劳拉·C. 巴里特,杰森. 库姆,索尼娅M. 桑切斯,Shikha 芭芭拉·J·塔朗. O 'Kane.. TREM-1 and TREM-2 protein expression in human gingival tissue. 皇冠体育博彩大学, Omaha NE 68178 2015
  • 临床解剖学
    库姆,杰森·M.劳拉·C. 威廉·J·巴里特. 索尼娅. 桑切斯,Shikha Tarang, and Barbara J. O 'Kane. Determination of Expression of TREM-1 and TREM-2 in Oral Keratinocytes. AACA亨德森公司.
    29 (1) , p. 93 2015
  • American Association of Clinical Anatomists
    Jergenson, M.巴里特,L. 诺顿,N. O 'Kane B. 瑞斯,M. Master of 口腔生物学, Anatomic science track: A path to addressing the need for dental educators. 2014年7月. 31st Annual meeting of American Association of Clinical Anatomists.
    74 2014
  • J. 牙科教育
    Barritt L.C. Broome, A, Drangsholdt, M. 格雷厄姆R. 肖P. 骏马,M. (2014). Teaching more by lecturing less: A call to dental school course directors. 提交了2014条
  • 一般会话 & IADR展览
    ROCHA-SANCHEZ1,年代. MILLER1 J.M. BARRITT1 L. SCHEETZ1 L. PIERCE2, M. L. 还有soukup2, g. Conditional Deletion of Dicer Impairs Orofacial Development Abstract #163587 June, 2012. 第九十届大会 & 展览. 巴西伊瓜苏瀑布. 2012
  • Journal of Human Genetics
    Barritt LC, 米勒JM, Scheetz LR, 加德纳K, Pierce ML, Soukup GA, Rocha-Sanchez SM. (2012) Conditional Deletion of the Human Orthologue gene Dicer 1 in Pax2-Cre expression Domain impairs Orofacial development.
    卷. 18 (3), p. P343-352 2012
  • Midwest Student Research Forum
    加德纳K.B. Barritt L.C. sheets L. R; Rocha-Sanchez S. M.,2. Histological Analysis of Cranioskeletal Development in a Conditional Dicer Knockout Mouse. 2011
  • American Association of 临床解剖学
    Barritt L.C.米勒,J.M., Soukup GA; Rocha- Sanchez; SM. Histological Analysis of tooth development in a conditional Dicer Knockout Mouse. 第二十七届年会.
    23:8, p. 1007 2010
  • American Association of 临床解剖学
    Jergenson, M.A., 诺顿N.S.巴里特,L.C. Bilateral anomalies of the internal carotid artery. 第二十七届年会.
    卷 23:8, p. 1017. 2010
  • American Association of 临床解剖学
    诺顿. N.S. 爱德华兹,P.C., Saini, T.J.巴里特,L.C. Jergenson, M.A. A study on the incidence of atheromas of the internal carotid artery in four anatomical regions of the head and neck using cone beam computed tomography. 第二十七届年会.
    卷 23:8, p. 1027 2010
  • 一般会话 & IADR展览
    米勒J.M巴里特,L.C.Scheetz, L. 皮尔斯,M. Soukup G.A. 罗查-桑切斯,S.M (2010). Role of MicroRNA (miRNA) in mammalian orofacial development. 摘要# 17. 第88届大会 & 展览. 2010
  • 美国实验生物学学会联合会J
    Barritt L.C, Jergensen M.诺顿,n.n. Ayers, F. Using histology as a predictor of academic success in a post-baccalaureate program.
    24: 828.8 2010
  • 母婴护理
    诺顿,N, Jergensen, M巴里特,L Ayers, F. Using gross anatomy as a predictor of academic success in a post-baccalaureate program.
    24: 769.11 2010


  • Characterization of Oral Tissue Mesenchymal Progenitor Cells.
    Principal Investigator: Barb O 'Kane.
    Co-Investigators: Devendar Agrawal, 劳拉 Barritt, Michael Del Core, Dave Verbik
    President’s Faculty Research Fund. (10, 000).

  • Outstanding Academic Instructor of Year for Teaching
    Outstanding Academic Instructor of Year for Teaching 皇冠体育博彩大学 牙科学院 2014-2015 Freshman Class
    皇冠体育博彩大学 牙科学院 2014-15 Freshman Class
  • American 牙科教育 Association, 领导 Institute Fellowship
    American 牙科教育 Association, 领导 Institute Fellowship 2013-2104
    American 牙科教育 Association
  • Outstanding Academic Instructor of Year for Teaching
    Outstanding Academic Instructor of Year for Teaching 皇冠体育博彩大学 牙科学院 2013-14 Freshman Dental Class
    皇冠体育博彩大学 牙科学院 2013-14 Freshman Dental Class
  • Outstanding Academic Instructor of Year for Teaching
    Outstanding Academic Instructor of Year for Teaching 皇冠体育博彩大学 牙科学院 2012-2013 Freshman Dental Class
    皇冠体育博彩大学 牙科学院 2012-2013 Freshman Dental Class
  • Outstanding Academic Instructor of Year for Teaching
    Outstanding Academic Instructor of Year for Teaching 皇冠体育博彩大学 牙科学院 2011- 2012 Freshman Dental Class
    皇冠体育博彩大学 牙科学院 2011- 12 Freshman Dental Class
  • 荣誉会员
    Epsilon Chapter, Omicron Kappa Upsilon (OKU) 荣誉会员
    Epsilon Chapter, Omicron Kappa Upsilon (OKU)