

物理学学位为许多领域提供了基础, 因为在内心深处, 这是对事物如何运作的研究. Creighton’s Bachelor of Science (BS) and Bachelor of Science in Physics (BSPhys) touch on important philosophical questions in theories of relativity and quantum mechanics and using mathematics, 计算机和仪器作为研究工具.

主修物理使你对自然有深刻的了解, 在职业选择上有很大的灵活性, 以及在就业市场上的卓越实力和稳定性. Creighton’s physics program offers a hands-on learning experience that will help you prepare for your next step, 不管是工作还是深造.




  • 物理学各主要领域的基本概念
  • 如何运用多个物理领域的概念来解决问题
  • 概念性问题解决
  • 数学在物理中的应用
  • 实验室所需的设计、测量和分析技术
  • 如何作为团队的一员工作
  • 如何综合现有知识并将其应用于新情况
  • 如何解决物理科学中的伦理问题
  • 如何有效地呈现定量研究的结果

皇冠体育博彩大学在本科物理课程中提供了两条路径. The two paths are similar, but they’re designed to prepare you for different areas.


The Bachelor of Science (BS) with a physics major provides the necessary preparation for entry-level work as a physicist in government or industry. It also prepares you for entry-level work or graduate study in a wide variety of interdisciplinary science and engineering fields, 包括天文学和天体物理学, 计算物理学, 地球物理学, 行星科学, 电气工程, 核工程, 等. 也, the program is highly recommended for any career in which a liberal arts degree with a concentration in physics may be desirable–scientific writing and reporting, 犯罪学, 专利法, 科学设备销售, 高中物理教学(结合必修教育课程), 仅举几个例子. Students should work closely with their advisors in choosing electives to prepare for specific career goals.


The Bachelor of Science in Physics (BSPhy) with a physics major provides a strong foundation for careers in the rapidly developing high-technology industries. 强烈推荐作为物理学研究生工作的准备. It also prepares students for graduate study in most engineering fields without requiring the early specialization, 典型的本科工程项目, 这会大大减少职业选择.

Take a closer look at the difference between these options by viewing the curriculum:


宣布主修物理学, a student must have completed one of the general physics sequences: PHY 211 and PHY 212 or 213年体育 and PHY 214 或PHY 221 and PHY 212 or received an “A” or “B” in PHY 211, 213年体育, 或PHY 221.


Students seeking certification in physics in secondary education must consult with the education department, the physics department and with the appropriate agency in the state in which they intend to teach.


You may choose to transfer to an engineering school after graduation or at an earlier point in your academic career. If you wish to earn an engineering degree after earning a Creighton degree, you might consider the 应用物理分析专业.

You can also obtain the equivalent of one or two years of pre-engineering study and then transfer to an engineering school.

A study of the first-year program at the engineering college of your choice will reveal those variations, 你的日程安排中可以安排哪些. (Students wishing to spend a second year at Creighton before making application to an engineering school are advised to contact that school directly for explicit approval of a second-year schedule.)

克雷顿大学和 底特律-梅西工程学院,但学生不应认为这是他们唯一的选择.


Get a head start with one of our multiple master’s while finishing up your bachelor’s degree. 选择一个 中学教学教育硕士 并在你的教学准备中获得认可,或者开始朝着一个目标努力 医学物理学理学硕士.

学习如何节省一年的时间和学费通过我们的 学士到硕士的速成课程.


The physics minor provides a thorough introduction to the theoretical and experimental methods extensively used by physical scientists and engineers. 你将培养实际的定量解决问题的能力, 与你的专业无关,哪些是有价值的. 查看物理辅修课程.


The biological physics minor provides you with an opportunity to apply the concepts and methods of the physicist to advance your understanding of the life sciences. Students pursuing careers in medicine 或者是 life sciences can use this minor to improve their preparation f或者是 interdisciplinary nature of modern science. 参见生物物理辅修课程.



  • 高中GPA
  • ACT或SAT成绩*
  • 课外活动
  • Personal statement to demonstrate creative abilities not reflected in your transcripts
  • 高中辅导员推荐信
  • Honors sections and advanced placement courses will enhance a candidate’s application
*适用于选择选修考试的学生, 申请入学时不需要ACT/SAT考试成绩.

日期 & 最后期限

秋季学期申请于8月9日开始. 上一年的1号. For scholarship consideration, the earlier you complete your undergraduate application, the better. 有关最新的截止日期, 访问我们的皇冠体育博彩页面.

学费 & 金融援助

学费每年都会更新. 访问我们的皇冠体育博彩和援助信息,了解更多关于 出勤费用.


为了让你在皇冠体育博彩大学的本科学习更实惠, 我们鼓励你提交 FAFSA 申请经济资助. 还有各种各样的奖学金可供选择, 包括那些专门针对物理专业的课程, 如:

Awarded to the student entering modern physics who had the best performance in general physics, 遵循迈克尔·安德森少校的精神.

Awarded to the senior physics major with the best performance on the modern physics section of the Graduate Comprehensive Exam.

Awarded to a junior or senior level female physics major actively engaged in research with a cumulative GPA of at least 3.25.

每年, 皇冠体育博彩大学 awards Clare Boothe Luce 奖学金 for undergraduate women in science to students entering their junior or senior year. The scholarships cover the full cost of tuition and fees and include a housing and book allowance. 该奖学金颁发给主修自然科学的女学生, mathematics or computer science and who intend to pursue graduate degrees in one of these fields. Students receiving the scholarship are expected to conduct research in their field.



  • 爱荷华大学
  • 富达国家金融
  • 内布拉斯加大学医学中心
  • 卷尾猴志愿者团
  • 欧洲核子研究中心有限公司

The acceptance rate for Creighton physics majors applying to graduate or professional programs is over 95%. Graduates have entered a variety of engineering fields, including electrical engineering.


  • 杜兰大学
  • 罗切斯特大学
  • 凯斯西储大学
  • 爱荷华大学
  • 加州大学圣地亚哥分校
  • 明尼苏达大学双城分校
  • 圣母大学
  • 亚利桑那牙科和口腔健康学院
  • 莱斯大学
  • 约翰霍普金斯大学
  • 麻省理工学院
  • 梅奥天主教大学

Undergraduate and graduate physics students currently participate in research projects in areas 如:

  • Astro-particle物理
  • 观测天体物理学
  • 原子物理学
  • 生物物理光学
  • 计算分子生物物理学
  • 凝聚态
  • 宇宙射线天体物理学
  • 高能核物理组
  • Laser-cooled原子

参观 本科生研究与奖学金中心 或者是 物理系研究 浏览更多信息.



